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Carbon Uptake – Identifying sinks and sources 


  • CO2 grow rate in the atmosphere still unabated
  • Uncoordinated approach of measurements and prediction of carbon fluxes and ocean acidification at basin-scale level


  • Integrate the many different measurements and observing infrastructures
  • Identify carbon sources and sinks at the basin-scale and how fast and strong they will respond to environmental change
  • Develop reliable CO2 emission scenarios for 2° target at basin-scale level

Possible Outcomes

  • Facilitate basin-scale cooperation and knowledge exchange among different networks, projects, programs, infrastructures, and initiatives as well as stakeholder groups to provide an All-Atlantic view on carbon uptake and its observation needs
  • Data and knowledge system in the context of carbon uptake in the Atlantic Ocean following a fully established value chain
  • Information product on how to observe the ideas for marine solutions to increase CO2 uptake in the Atlantic Ocean

Main contacts: Leticia Cotrim (UERJ, Brazil) and Brad deYoung (MUN, Canada)